
Aka SoExotic
Sophie ATLAN
"Pole dancing is an artistic sport that inspires limitless growth, personal fulfillment, and boundless creativity, offering a journey where the possibilities are endless."

Born in 1985
Pole Dance and Fitness Coach
A Bit About Me
Quite the plot twist for a girl who grew up in France, introverted, and completely obsessed with a magical world of mermaids and imaginary love stories of Egyptian royalty. I was way more into writing, drawing, and getting lost in epic puzzles than anything physical. Music was my constant companion, but the idea of becoming a dancer? Oh well, not even close! I had zero interest in sports or anything that would get my feet off the ground. Diagnosed with nearsightedness, I was rocking my glasses from a young age! Only sports that allowed my glasses to stay put and didn’t demand a 180-degree view gave me a fighting chance.
Let’s say, I was a bit of a lost cause when it came to orientation and understanding distance, especially in team sports. Gym class? Total disaster! I was terrified of heights, balance? Nope. Picture me, as flexible as a lamp post, looking like I’d never have the physical chops to become the athlete I am today—but here I am, defying the odds!
Once a little girl

Alyah at 20 turned my world upside down
After spending around twenty years soaking up the culture, lifestyle, and freedoms of France, it was Israel that called out to me. As a part of the Jewish tradition and with the weight of the Shoah in my heart, Israel resonated deeply, just as it does for so many Jews in the diaspora. When I visited a few years earlier, it was love at first sight! A whole new world, a fresh perspective, and a promise of endless adventures.
Those early days were a wild mix—sometimes risky, sometimes lucky—as I dove into life without a safety net, far from home. I learned to embrace solitude while forming unexpected and enriching bonds with people from various cultures and languages. It was an adventure in every sense!
My first ten years were filled with a career in digital marketing, a passion for DJing, and music production.
Music was my first artistic adventure. Riding the wave of that unique studio atmosphere, I had an unforgettable experience in the world of voice-over, including dubbing the Playboy TV series ''69 Sexy Things to Do Before You Die.''​
Fate comes knocking at my door
It was 2008, and the Beijing Olympics were in full swing. As I watched a women's athletics event, a spark ignited within me. I was in awe of those strong, muscular bodies. That was it—I wanted to be like those exceptional athletes, to have that same powerful physique! I signed up for the gym and dove into intense self-directed training. For several years, I committed to fitness, hitting the gym multiple times a week after work. I was dedicated and eagerly explored the realms of nutrition, the body, and health. My motivation was sky-high, and I marveled at the changes in my body with excitement and wonder!​​
From the Gym to Pole Dancing!
After nearly eight years of fitness and weight training, I came to a realization—sure, my body looked great, but it wasn’t functional. I loved dancing for fun, but the thought of doing it regularly had never crossed my mind. I craved something that would build strength and bring flexibility and movement. And then in 2014, I stumbled upon Pole Dance, which was love at first sight! Back then, the sport was still tied to striptease, and barely any studios offered it. But this was so much of an artistic world full of magic—dancing in heels, sensuality, strength, creativity... It was all there! Not long after, I bought my first pole and a pair of pink pole dance shoes, ready to dive in headfirst!​​
My Pole Dance Journey: A sport, an art, a Profession!
My Pole Dance adventure kicked off with an explosion of fascination and passion! I started teaching myself, tweaking my moves with a few classes here and there. Thanks to a precious friendship, I found my way into the vibrant world of performance dancers and began an incredible run of shows for all kinds of private and public events. And guess what? I'll share all those unforgettable memories and photos on a special page soon!
Fast-forward to 2018, I earned my Pole Dance Coach certification and competed in three amazing competitions in Israel. I enthusiastically opened my studio doors to women from all backgrounds, ready to share my knowledge and the hidden treasures of Pole Dance! As I gained more experience, I decided to elevate the experience by offering outdoor classes— on the beach or in parks, it was all about making it a bit more wild, embracing the natural elements as a part of the training.
Then, I was lucky to meet a wonderful friend, Eran, who introduced me to the challenging world of long trail running. This extreme sport focuses on the “time on feet” notion. I couldn’t resist adapting it to my world of Pole Dance and lifting, turning it into “time in the air”.

Creativity: The Ever-Evolving Art!

​One of my unique and ongoing experiences is professional nude photography. By a stroke of luck, I met Nathan, an extraordinary artist and passionate photographer whose keen eye captures every detail between shadow and light. He’s a precious friend, and together, we turn the exploration of nude art into a thrilling adventure full of challenges and wonder. I kept these photos private for a long time, but I wanted to share this art with the public, and OnlyFans turned out to be the ideal platform. While it is often criticized, it remains the only space for showcasing adult content. You can find some of my photographs in the menu section "My Photo Art".
Fueled by my passion for technology and virtual design, I was inspired to breathe new life into my professional photographs through original and one-of-a-kind designs! As time went on, driven by my passion for creation, I developed new skills that allowed me to shape a diverse array of unique design styles! I’m excited to invite you to explore a glimpse of this artistic journey on the “My Digital Designs” page!
Inspired by the exciting trend of print-on-demand and its endless possibilities, I took the plunge and launched my very own ready-to-wear line, UNPLACE Streetwear, on Etsy! This vibrant collection features streetwear clothing and accessories that celebrate the worlds of dance, music, and feminine strength. It’s an ambitious and rewarding project that I pour my heart into during my free time, constantly adding fresh, eye-catching designs to my humble shop! I can’t wait for you to explore what I’ve created!
Always brimming with inspiration, I leapt into the mind-blowing world of DIY, especially customizing my pole dance heels and stilettos! With glitter, crystals, and a dazzling world of light in a thousand facets, I embarked on this meticulous craft. After soaking up a few tutorial videos and articles, I gathered my materials and kicked off my first long hours of customization. These moments are a beautiful blend of deep concentration and letting go, I can’t wait to share more about this fabulous art soon!
For a deeper dive into my professional journey and experience, I invite you to check out my LinkedIn page!
You'll find all the details that showcase my passion and expertise!